Vogon heavy Industries is somewhat pleased you're visiting. As you are no doubt aware, we have provided demolition services in your sector fairly recently. This type of service has made us famous throughout the galaxy, and we are only too happy to provide it!

You may not be aware however, that Vogon Heavy Industries is now able to provide many new, and some might say, more organism-friendly, products and services to Earth internet users.

First and foremost, VHI, in conjunction with Megadodo publications, Ursa Minor, is proud to bring you the online Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It is fully enabled, and can access all data approved for Earth access by the central Mega Brantis Vogon Office of Public Standards and Practices office as fit for Human consumption.

(Note: the Vogon Office of Public Standards and Practices has determined that Humans are fit for Bugblatta Beast of Trall consumption).

Also you might check out Megadodo's WWW site which operates on the VHI server.

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Megadodo is just one of the new tenants here on our new domain vogon.com. Also now co-located you'll find Milliard Technologies, one of the most innovative providers of Gargantuacomputing products in the Galaxy. VHI has selected Milliard to meet our Gatewayserver needs.

Although no stranger to Vogon Heavy Industries, the Vogon Design Group has been given much greater autonomy to market its WWW design wares to Internet users. Before the legal clarification of the Earth Reconnaissance Office's director's control of VHI, the Design Group was hobbled by numerous draconian directives from the Vogon Home Office. It was required to expend at least 95% of its total creative effort in support of the Vogon Earth site. Free at last, the Design Group is now finally able to devote much more time to outside contracts.

Of course, you can always access the old VHI standbys which are now locally mirrored on our server. You'll find the Vogon Earth Reconnaissance Office, the Vogon Constructor Fleet and Vogon Communications Office all on the local mirror. Perhaps the simplest way to get there is through the Central Vognet Gateway which offers the options of the S.V.I.D and the S.H.I.D you've all grown to love.

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As authorized Vogon agents, we can now offer Constructor(tm) Fleet demolition services direct to the public under a new discount rate schedule. Please see Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz for more information.

If you know anything about Vogons, then you know we're always up to something. Several new offering are currently under development, and announcements will be made in all popular color supplements as they are added to the system. Again, thanks for stopping by, your locating has been mapped by our system for any future demolition needs.

Move assistance provided by:
GSG Server Power by:
Milliard Technologies